Saturday, June 21, 2014

How We Lost Over 100 Pounds While Operating a Candy & Cupcake Business

This past January (completely unrelated to the new year), my husband and I started a weight loss journey together that has proven to be very successful, even while we run our own vending, candy buffet, and cupcake vending machine business. Meaning, at any given time there are pounds of candy, chips, chocolate, soda, or cupcakes in our home. We don’t have a garage, shop, or any place for our inventory, it lives with us. Picture having a convenience store as your pantry- without the clerk to judge you while you check out. That’s my house.

Together, we’ve lost over 100 pounds so far. I’ve lost 43 pounds and Peter’s lost 58 pounds. I have about 11 more pounds to go to reach my goal. I told myself once I got to a medically-defined “healthy” weight for my height, I’d write a blog post to share my story, and hopefully help others. No big secrets here, but hopefully maybe even some reinforcements can encourage you if you’re in the same boat.

Here’s a before and after for ya!

Disclaimer: Peter did not want to post any “after” photos until he was closer to his goal. But he looks amazing. Seriously, I'm SO proud of him!

First I will say, we don’t have any less going on in our lives than anyone else. My husband works full-time at a restaurant that serves delicious food, I work part-time from home, I have young children at home with me, all day long, I homeschooled my daughter 5 days a week up until “summer”, I have a home to keep up with, and I help my husband run our vending business. We have a lot going on like everyone else, but we did it. I’m not saying, “If we can do it, anyone can”, because we worked our butts off. However, if you WANT to do it, here’s how:

Find Good Support

Our first support was eachother. We both needed to lose weight and we did it together. We encouraged eachother, and made the right choices together. Peter and I have always accomplished more together than we have separately, and this is no exception. This is 100% OUR success, not mine or his.

Secondly, we got a membership to the YMCA in Duluth. We chose the YMCA in particular because of their Kid’s Club program. We can drop the kids off to play for up to two hours per day with our family membership and get a workout in. It’s a fantastic program that’s the perfect support for families with young kids at home in particular. The kids love going to the Kid’s Club. The membership is very affordable for all that’s included and they have income-based membership prices as well. Their classes for kids are also way more affordable for members. Clara’s been able to take swimming and gymnastics classes at a great price thanks to our membership. It’s a total win for the whole family.

We also had our entire extended families supporting us along the way.

Find an Exercise You Love

One thing I used to hate. Running. Know what I hated more than running? Treadmills. And ellipticals. And bikes that also went nowhere. I find it unnatural to put so much sweat and energy into something and get nowhere. Peter, however, likes running. And treadmills. To each his own hamster wheel.

So, our first week of having a Y membership I tried a Zumba class, and I LOVED it.  Sure, this photo is incredibly accurate, even today, but the point is I actually LIKE it. 

I want to go to Zumba. It's a TON of fun. I load the kids in the car like there’s a 2 for 1 deal on double stuff Oreos. Not that I know how fast that is from personal experience…

If working out isn’t your thing, I get it. I thought for a long time it wasn't my thing either. But try some different things. Try a group exercise class. Or if you don’t have a gym membership, there’s a ton of workout videos for free on YouTube. On my non-Zumba days, I usually would work out to free Jillian Michaels workouts on YouTube. Her “Banish Fat, Boost Your Metabolism” is particularly horrifying. I may or may not have laid face down on my living room floor begging the TV for mercy.

After several months of just doing Zumba and Jillian Michaels workouts, I got back on a treadmill. I could easily run 2 miles immediately without getting tired. Now, I don’t mind running, because I can actually do it. Peter and I are even planning on running a 5K together next year. However, I still prefer Zumba any day of the week!

Count Your Calories

One thing I found I was horrible at, was guessing calories. (This is ESPECIALLY true if you are in a restaurant, so eat as much as you can at home. The same meal at home is usually double the calories or more at a restaurant).  So we have found a big key to our success this time around was counting our calories.
Peter and I both used the MyFitnessPal app to count our calories every day, every meal. I HIGHLY recommend this app. (They have a web-based program for people without smartphones as well). About 95% of what you are eating on a daily basis is already in their database. It takes a few seconds when you sit down to eat, and you’ll find it really eye opening if you haven’t been counting your calories.  Seriously, even if you think you know, try it for a week.

You can also input your exercise to add to your calorie goal for the day, which I found handy since my calorie limit for the day is currently only 1200 calories, and track your weight loss.

Don’t Diet

One thing I’ve always hated, is the quote “It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle change”.  It doesn’t really help much. I’ve tried A LOT of diets the last 6 years. If it’s title ends in the word “Diet” or “Plan”, I’ve likely done it and not seen any results, or if I have, they were very short-term.

One thing I’ve learned, you can eat through any workout plan, so it’s important to find foods that aren’t going to un-do everything you’re doing. I don’t eat kale, or drink spinach smoothies, or eat raw eggs.  I had two secret weapons this time that I found allowed me to eat like a normal person without feeling deprived, all while not being too high in calories, and the weight just fell off. So my best advice is, eat the way you always have- just find ways to modify your favorite recipes with healthier ingredients, reduce your portion size, or both.

My first secret weapon was Pinterest. My social media love. You can find all kinds of great recipes to your tastes that are fantastic. Many have great ideas for simple swaps that really lower the calories. For example, did you know that plain Greek yogurt is a really good substitute for sour cream? Seriously, try it. Check out my Pinterest boards for my favorite recipes and weight loss tips below. Please be advised “healthy” is an subjective term. Maybe it’s not a complete balanced meal, but it’s not loaded in calories either. Feel free to follow any of my boards!

My second food weapon was the book “Cook this, not that”.  We loved the recipes in there, they are delicious. Did we have nachos for lunch instead of salads sometimes? Well yes, yes we did. Don’t take my word for it. The proof is in the pants size.

Nothing Tastes as Good as Being Thin Feels?
I’ll leave you with this. We’ve all heard (especially the ladies) “nothing tastes as good as being thin feels”.  I don’t know what supermodel coined it, or how it got to be so popular, because it’s just not true. Oreos taste as good as being thin feels. Cheesecake tastes as good as being thin feels. Cheese fries taste as good as being thin feels. Pasta tastes as good as being thin feels.  Any food vice you have tastes good or better than being thin feels.

However, this is my one and only earthly body. This is the heart, lungs, and organs I’m counting on to watch my kids grow up into a little man and woman of God, to dance with my husband at their weddings, to live this beautiful life right alongside him, my best friend, beholding all God has to offer. This is the heart that will be beating in my chest when I hold my grandbabies (that I don’t have to raise!) This is all I have. And taking care of it for THOSE reasons? Nothing tastes that good. 

Not even Oreos. 

Not even at 2 for 1. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Logan Hits the Route!

Usually, Monday mornings Peter and Clara head out to service the clients on our route that need their machines filled more frequently. Logan has felt left out the last few weeks and loves to help his daddy with anything and everything- especially if it involves tools or keys of any kinds.

Today, for the first time, daddy took Logan out to service the route and he was delighted!